The Protection Island Lions Club, was established in 1983, by a small group of islanders. We currently number 28 members. The Club also has many volunteers, that help support the enhancement of our community through community initiatives, events and activities. The PI Lions Club meets the first Wednesday of every month at Beacon House at 7:00pm.
If you are interested in becoming a member or volunteer, please contact us.
Our Mission
"The Lion’s Club of Protection Island organizes and coordinates community events and activities, and takes an active interest in the civic, cultural, social and moral welfare of the community. The club encourages service-minded people to serve their community. The Club also supports the historical value of Beacon House and its community role.
PI Lions Members
Jim Harris
Chris Hemphill
Marlene Kennon
Kaye MacIntyre
Doug Naylor
Summer Laurie
Sandra Nisbet
Lin Neufeld
Sandy Saunders
Donna Berthiaume
​Katherine Ball
Roger Ball
Emily Barnewall
Rick Biller
Sharie Biller
Nella Frewin
Peter Frewin
Kathy Goldsmith
Neil Goldsmith
Linda Jefferies
Micheal Grom
Brenda Grom
Chuck Butler
Naomi Rouleau
Cathy Fraser
Pauline Taylor
Daylene Jones
Zdenka Hofman​
2024/25 Executive
President: Rick Biller
Vice President: Nella Frewin
Secretary: Linda Jefferies
Treasurer: Mike Grom
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